What are your Community Guidelines?

What are your Community Guidelines?

Welcome to the The Chic Beauty Box Community Guidelines

We value everyone in our community and to make it a fun and educational experience for all, we expect everyone to follow the rules.

So that there are NO misunderstandings, we’re spelling them out in excruciating detail! And if you don’t understand something, or think you may be in violation or either the spirit or the letter of our rules, please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

By using our site, you also agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these Guidelines. Chic Beauty Box is a community, and we rely on you to keep this community friendly and enjoyable by following these rules.

If you feel that someone has violated these rules and would like to bring it to our attention, you may contact us. We'll do our best to deal with all issues regarding the misuse of our services, although we do not promise to do so. Chic Beauty Box also reserves the right to take any action or no action at all in response to such reports.

Profile Name and Image (Avatar)

The name you enter for your first and last name MUST be your actual name -- fake names are not allowed. You may not use website URLs or email addresses as your profile name, and profile names may not contain references to drugs, sex, religion, politics or any other inappropriate material.

You may not use your image or avatar for promotional purposes. This means no ads and no company logos. You must also use an image of yourself and not anyone else. You may also not use an image that you are not authorized to use under copyright law.

Signatures on Posts

Signatures are not allowed in any posts or messages that you create for our online community.

No Pornographic or Sexual Material

Sexually explicit discussions are not acceptable in our community. Sexually explicit content and links to such content are strictly prohibited.

No Profanity

The use of profanity is strictly prohibited, whether in titles, forums, social media, or anywhere else in our community.

Posting Email Addresses, Websites and Phone Numbers in Any Communication, Chats, or Threads

You may not post any contact information (such as a URL, phone number, email address, etc.) in our forums or on social media.

Chic Beauty Box reserves the right to remove any email address, website or phone number or contact information that has been made visible to the community without prior warning.

No Impersonations

You must be the person to post in your account. Do not impersonate or attempt to impersonate other members, moderators, or staff. Never post information that is not your own. The creation or use of fake accounts is strictly prohibited.

You Must Disclose Your Relationship with any Company, Website, Guru, or Other Entity that You Comment About

If you participate in a discussion about a company, website, guru, beauty box, etc., and have any kind of relationship with that entity (e.g. affiliate, partnership, employee, owner), you must disclose this relationship in your post. Chic Beauty Box reserves the right to publicly or privately ask about your relationship with any company that you comment on, to remove any post which does not disclose such a relationship, and to close your account if you fail to disclose such a relationship.

No Abusive Behavior

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not post or otherwise transmit (including through any private messaging system) any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, abusive, hateful, harassing, obscene, sexually explicit, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

Do Not Flame or Troll

Do you like to being flamed, or baited, or trolled? Then don’t do it. Immediately report any incident to us. Again, at the risk of repeating ourselves ad nauseum, Chic Beauty Box will terminate the membership of anyone, solely at our discretion, who we believe is flaming, baiting or trolling.

Respect Everyone Including Staff

Treat all community members with respect regardless of their position as a staff member, moderator, member, advertiser, or any other position. If you feel that someone is not treating any community member with respect, contact us immediately to report the issue.

No Email Or Name Harvesting

Harvesting email addresses or names from our site is strictly prohibited in accordance with our Terms and Conditions. Do not harvest email addresses from community members.

SPAM Is Not Allowed Anywhere

Do not spam other members. You know what spam is and it will not be tolerated. Anyone who spams another members may have their membership terminated. Please note that the decision to terminate membership based on what Chic Beauty Box perceives as spam is strictly at the discretion of The Chic Beauty Box.

We’ll spell it out just in case you are confused about what we consider spam. If you start a thread or post that contributes nothing to any discussion or thread, that’s spam. For example, unauthorized advertisements, empty posts, posts that have no relation to the current discussion or thread, unauthorized promotion of your website, product or services, repeating the same message in more than one discussion or thread, and stuffing your post with keywords, among other things.

Diverting Members to Other Websites Is Strictly Forbidden

Diverting our members to other websites is strictly forbidden.

Polling Members Is Strictly Forbidden

You may not poll members to gather information to be used on a competing website.

No Affiliate Marketing

No form of affiliate marketing is allowed on ChicBeautyBox.com unless it is specifically authorized in writing by Chic Beauty Inc.. That means no posting of affiliate links in posts or comments. Hiding affiliate links through services that provide short URLs is also forbidden.

No Religious or Political Postings

Statements, discussions and threads on the topic of religion are not permitted on ChicBeautyBox.com. Please do not use a religious quote anywhere on our channels. Chic Beauty Box reserves the right to remove any post or comment that may contain religious statements solely at our discretion. In addition, email addresses that are religious in nature are also not permitted. Chic Beauty Box in its sole discretion shall decide what constitutes a religious email address, comment, discussion, or any other type of communication.

Political discussions and comments are not permitted on ChicBeautyBox.com or it's channels. Any post regarding politics shall be removed. Chic Beauty Box reserves the right to edit or delete any post or thread that may contain political commentary.

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